TOP-10 useful properties of Himalayan pink salt

Table salt contains 97 % to 99 % of single component – sodium chloride. That is why the people call it «white death» – after all, an excess of sodium chloride entails serious problems of the cardiovascular system, it puts stress on kidneys and delays the fluid in the body. But in fact, the natural color of rock salt is very dark, so it is lightened artificially using chemicals at high temperatures (for example, the Extra salt is dried at a temperature of 650 °C and then the bleaching agents are added). Due to the purification of the evaporated salt by the recrystallization method (drying in a hot oven with the addition of special chemicals), almost all the useful compounds are destroyed.

Anti-caking agents that are added to the ordinary salt are allowed according to the DSTU (National Standards of Ukraine), but they are toxic and dangerous for humans, when the standards are exceeded. For example, sodium ferrocyanide (E 535) is a substance containing cyanide compounds; potassium ferrocyanide (E 536), potassium cyanide derivative, or potassium hexacyanoferrate, potassium ferricyanide, calcium ferrocyanide (E 538) – according to the standard, content of these substances in salt should not exceed 20 mg/kg; content of sodium aluminosilicate (E 554) in salt should not exceed 10 g/kg.

And if you think that you can solve the problem by replacing stone salt with iodized salt, you are deeply mistaken: it is enriched by iodine artificially, and due to the influence of temperature during cooking, no trace of it will remain in your dishes. As a result, you overpay, consume sodium chloride in its pure form and force your heart to work to the max.

But a way out is found! Replace usual «harmful salt» with a useful alternative – Himalayan pink salt that is mined at the bottom  of the Himalayas. The only deposit in the world is salt mines of Khyur in Pakistan. Pink color and useful composition of this salt  is due to to volcanic magma that for millions of years flowed down the mountains into the sea water by saturating it with trace elements and minerals.

We have compiled for you a list of useful properties of Himalayan pink salt, so that you have no doubts about making the correct choice:

Himalayan salt is a unique source of at least 25 useful micronutrients*:  it contains iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and iodine that are preserved in natural form. They are absorbed by the body by 100 % at the cellular level, without undergoing changes in the metabolism process. A regular use of pink salt provides the body with all the necessary minerals and micronutrients.

Pink salt is the cleanest salt in the world, it is extracted only manually and is not subjected to thermal or chemical treatment. Thanks to this, useful particles enter your body in its original form, without harmful impurities. Compare: rock salt is mined by the shaft method using combined machines, evaporated salt is produced by washing out in the form of brine. In other words, the less purified and processed salt, the more useful it is for the body.

Upon entering the human body, Himalayan salt discharge ions that destroy harmful molecular bonds – salt deposits, sclerotic plaques in the blood vessels. When Himalayan salt evaporates, the air is saturated with useful sodium.

Himalayan salt is the best way to clear the body of chemical waste and toxins. Its solution effectively restores the body and rejuvenates the skin.

The use of pink salt restores water-salt metabolism and maintains its balance, because it does not retain the liquid in tissues, like table salt, and, in addition, it contains necessary electrolytes that prevent dehydration.

Himalayan pink salt is very useful for treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Its use relieves pain in the joints: it is recommended to take warm baths with the addition of half a cup of saline. 

Himalayan pink salt is a great way to avoid skin problems. It is used in the treatment of acne (inflammation of the sebaceous glands), acneiform rash and even psoriasis. Salt «draws out» toxins from the epidermis, has unique cleansing and exfoliating properties.

Salt baths are also widely used in cosmetology for weight loss: pink salt improves metabolism, helps the body burn excess fat and does not retain the fluid. In addition, the pink salt -based scrub with the addition of honey or coffee grounds perfectly tones the skin providing an anti-cellulite effect, making it firm and smooth. Baths with pink salt are soothing to the human body and have a general therapeutic effect.

Himalayan salt is used as a unique therapeutic method – speleotherapy. Patients stay in a special salt cave, where the air is saturated with useful ions. Speleotherapy stabilizes the state of the central nervous system, effectively treats asthma, allergies, reduces fatigue, relieves of chronic fatigue and insomnia.

Himalayan pink salt is a great way to increase immunity. Its crystals help to fight respiratory diseases, they are used as a preventive measure of influenza, and inhalations with salt can relieve you of sinusitis (inflammation of paranasal sinuses) and dry cough. For the prevention of sinusitis, dilute a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, draw the solution in the nose several times and spit it out. You can also flush your nostrils using a rubber fountain syringe.

We listed only the main useful properties of Himalayan pink salt. Its application is much broader, it is also used in medicine, cosmetology, and, of course, in cooking. Famous chefs with a world-wide name have long discovered the unique taste qualities of pink salt and its healthy influence on the body. Thus, Jamie Oliver , a culinary expert and restaurateur, even launched his own line of Himalayan pink salt, and Mark Bitterman, the author of the book on the importance of salt in cooking , claims that pink salt contains as many as 80 (!) trace elements that are usually absent from its industrial «cousin».  Be on the wave of fashionable healthy trends – pamper your family with a tasty, useful novelty. And let each of your dishes bring strength and energy to you and your family!


* On the initiative of SPS (Private enterprise), TM Pripravka,  in the Academician Medved Scientific Center for Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, a spectral analysis of the mineral composition of pink salt was carried out. According to its results, it was found that the pink salt contains a minimum of 25 essential micronutrients and minerals that are necessary for the human body, as well as a large percentage of iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), due to which it has a pink color.

15 May 2017